Picstagrab repost - regram

by SunnarSoft Ltd



regram of pictures and videos from Instagram with watermarks and captions

Picstagrab is an app that will help you watermark and/or repost images and videos from Instagram with optional added captions. If for instance you are posting picture of the day, moderating an Instagram hub or otherwise repost images and videos from Instagram regularly, Picstagrab will save you a lot of time and effort by helping you automate the process of featuring a picture or video.When loading a picture or video, an automatic search may be performed using Tineye and Google image-search in order to see if there are duplicates out there. If there are duplicates, you may check the search results in order to determine if the picture is "stolen" or not. Picstagrab will make no assumptions regarding the found duplicates. Before reposting a picture, you may add a watermark from your own "watermark-collection". You can manage your watermark collection by adding and removing available watermarks, you may choose any picture available in your camera-roll to use as a watermark. When adding a watermark to a picture, you can reposition, resize and change the opacity of the watermark. You may share a picture or video with an optional caption included.The included caption may be written as you repost, or may be selected from your very own "caption-library". In the captions you may have automatic insertion of the username of the user that originally posted the picture/video and the original caption from the picture/video you are about to repost.You may also store a list of favourite users/hashtags for easy access, simply click the star in the search-results and the user/hashtag will be stored as a favourite.Your most recently viewed pictures/videos will be available for easy access through the "recently-viewed" page.If you have any feedback, or if something is not working to your expectations, please drop me a mail or use the support link, I would really appreciate to know what you think of this app and what I could do to make it better.Please respect the property rights of any photo downloaded using this application.Before using, altering or re-publishing any photo or video, please get permission from the owner of the photo or videoThis product uses the Instagram API but is not endorsed or certified by Instagram.Workaround that should finally get sharing on Android Q working again.There has been quite a few issues due to updates both from Instagram and from Android Q lately, and I am really sorry for the inconvenience this has caused you all. I will continue to fix issues arising, feel free to contact me regarding issues you find. There are still issues with regards to Google searches and Tineye searches, but I am investigating thoseThanks for your patience everyone.

Read trusted reviews from application customers

Maaf sy tidak faham di mana menu untuk menshare sy coba copy paste tapi ga bisa tetep jadi sy uninstall

Arie Citra rengganis

I manage several IG accounts for businesses and not-for-profits and this WAS my go-to app for like, two years. With the latest update it crashes constantly to the point of being unusable.

Lara Lewis

I moderate for 2 IG hubs and the Tineye never works anymore! Frustrated!

Michele G

Hey i just want to let you know that the watermark is not working. When i am done the ouput would be the watermark is not positioned and resized the way i want it to. Hoping for an update soon.

Gian Gamos

👍 very good

Panji Pramustika

As an Instagrammer who also works for several IG hubs this app is a vital tool for me. I would rate it 5 stars until today. Suddenly since updating it no longer reads the url on Tineye or Google images. Not sure whats changed but please fix! This is my go to hero app for hub work! That aside, when it works its amazing & I am so grateful to you for developing this application. Keep up the great work.

Jody Power

Best repost app for instagram!!! but, how to delete caption from my captions list?

Oleg Pelin

good stuff my dude

Nad Fam

The pictures I had copied from instagran to picstagrab didn't showed properly, just black blank

Arum Etika

I really use it allot.. though the "insert caption " you must then select all and copy m paste to have it post to instagram but 4 stars 5 if instert caption automatically!