Maaf sy tidak faham di mana menu untuk menshare sy coba copy paste tapi ga bisa tetep jadi sy uninstall
I manage several IG accounts for businesses and not-for-profits and this WAS my go-to app for like, two years. With the latest update it crashes constantly to the point of being unusable.
I moderate for 2 IG hubs and the Tineye never works anymore! Frustrated!
Hey i just want to let you know that the watermark is not working. When i am done the ouput would be the watermark is not positioned and resized the way i want it to. Hoping for an update soon.
👍 very good
As an Instagrammer who also works for several IG hubs this app is a vital tool for me. I would rate it 5 stars until today. Suddenly since updating it no longer reads the url on Tineye or Google images. Not sure whats changed but please fix! This is my go to hero app for hub work! That aside, when it works its amazing & I am so grateful to you for developing this application. Keep up the great work.
Best repost app for instagram!!! but, how to delete caption from my captions list?
good stuff my dude
The pictures I had copied from instagran to picstagrab didn't showed properly, just black blank
I really use it allot.. though the "insert caption " you must then select all and copy m paste to have it post to instagram but 4 stars 5 if instert caption automatically!